Nottingham, UK
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BSc Molecular Biology The University of Sheffield (UK) 2015–2018
Harvard as it's what I've always used.
While on a hiatus from microbiology research, I've been living and travelling from a campervan, pursuing my other passion of climbing.Editing is an ideal job for me on the road, allowing me to keep my eye in with academic style and giving me the greatest satisfaction of helping produce clear, effective pieces of writing. In the future, I'd love to combine my love of science and reading to work in scientific editing and publishing.
I graduated with a 1st class BSc in molecular biology from The University of Sheffield in 2018, with a particular specialism in microbiology. I then worked for 12 months as a research technician, investigating microbial physiology. Both of these experiences required me to be critical in my perspective, benefiting my own writing. With a French mother, I'm adept at understanding and spotting nuanced differences between native English and English as a second language, allowing me to work quickly and efficiently as an editor.
Both the process and final product of proofreading and editing give me great satisfaction. Coming from a research background, searching for details and subtle, hard-to-spot issues within a piece of text comes naturally, and being left with a concise and well engineered piece of writing is the cherry on top. Personally, my own writing is one of my strong points, and it gives me great pleasure providing help to others in their own endeavours.
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The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. It's a kid's book, but the only novel I've read several times, and I firmly believe it can be enjoyed by all ages!
I'm a passionate rock-climber, skier, and runner, with a love for the variety of music.
I like to complete all easy-to-accomplish tasks, such as finding and replacing double spaces, before anything else in a document. It's quick, gets me into the proofreading process, and leaves me focussed to work on the flow and detail of the text!
Loretta A
United Kingdom
Alternative Medicine, Business & Management, Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism, TESOL
Saffron M
Melbourne, Australia
Archaeology, Classics & Ancient History, History, Museum Studies, Music
Hayley R
Kent, UK
Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering, English
Maureen F
Buckinghamshire, England
Classics & Ancient History, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Education, English, Fiction, History, Language & Literature, Medieval & Modern Languages, TESOL
Kirsten D
Phoenix, United States
English, History, Language & Literature
Lorena C
CO United States
Creative Writing, English, Event Management, Graphic Design, Hospitality, Language & Literature, Leisure, Music, Recreation & Tourism
Rowena R-C
Arizona, United States
Advertising, American Studies, Astronomy, Building, Business & Management, Construction & Development, Fiction, Town & Country Planning and Landscape Design
Rachael S
Hillsboro, United States
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